Thursday, July 3, 2008

Troilus And Criseyde

I first met G through a friend about 2 weeks ago. I remember walking along Granville St. with some friends- looking for a club to go into for P's bday. Anyways, no luck getting in Caprice because it was past midnight on a Saturday night. We traced our steps and I saw my friend B lining up at the Royale. B is friends with G. So that's how I know G.

Anyways, I saw G at school today and had probably the most interesting conversation with him. I'm not sure how it even started because it felt like we talked about everything. And, its one of those conversations where you feel really good afterwards hahaha. I think now its because he is taking psychology and I swear that guy will make a good therapis lol! Or it could because the conversation was a good mixture of listening and talking and enough silence in between.

He had to write a paper about this classic book called "Troilus and Criseyde" by Chaucer (The Canterbury).

Our talk traveled from our present, to the future, to different countries, to cultures, to God, to love and back. Troilus and Criseyde is apparently a very good story of love, but with a sad ending. What struck me most, G said that women in the story had said somethings that they would do, but never followed through. I was stunned for a moment. Memories of a someone came to my mind. Yes, I have done that in the past. He said he hopes not all women are like that.
I said I agree. But, I didn't really give him the answer to why women do that. I am guilty of that. I have promised and broke my words. Why?

Because....(I had to think this through although it really only points to related things). Because of fear. I lost the courage to follow through. Hope was fading. I was afraid of the outcome - which is ultimately, myself getting hurt.

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