Monday, December 7, 2009

Money Talk$

I hear a christmas song playing downstairs in my house. All I want for christmas by Britney...lalala...

Hmm to be honest, I'm not that fond of Christmas, anymore. I can't point my finger exactly to what to call this "feeling", but its not one of festivity. I'm really reluctant to say this, but I kind of dread Christmas. I want to get to the bottom of this issue, and hopefully, be rid of this feeling. And so here are some real issues that makes Christmas dreadful, for moi:

1. Exorbitant spending. I think the idea of giving has evolved into a tradition of presenting tangible goods to people we both like and don't like. I know I sound so cynical. Please bear with me. But this might be something I was not oppose to before. I am familiar with the feeling of giving. It brings me much more happiness when I see a recipient of my gift as happy as could be. I just graduated from university, and the last four Christmasses made me realize how difficult giving could be - especially untimely giving. I'm talking from a financial perspective.

2. Excessive dinners. and sometimes the need to bring a date. Ugh. I feel like that's more of a chore than an easy night, really, sometimes I'd rather just not. Excessive dinners also lead to increasing 'fat debt' as my co-worker S would call it.

But I have a solution! I see this as a test of my will and discipline to stay true to financial plans (I don't have one yet, but I will write one after this...and after I pick up my brother who always calls at an importune time..grrr...).

Ok, back.

So my plan is to make something this year for my friends and family without breaking the bank. It would be something new, and something I would enjoy doing :) Can't wait, hope it turns out good!

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