Thursday, April 16, 2009

Lesson of the Day

Argh, exams tomorrow. Of course, I do everything blogging, which I never do on a usual basis. I do believe that keeping a journal is a good reminder of past lessons. I just want to empty my mind. I don't understand why I'm such a worry wart. See?? It bugs me that I don't understand why I worry. Anyways, I purchased a flight for me and my sister to the island of B. B is a party island which I had tons tons of fun 3 years ago. But upon deciding - which was on a whim, it dawned on me a few days later now that that was not part of my plan. I'm already spending money and time on various islands such as C and P.

I know the reasons why I worry, ah here goes the truth, maybe it'll help ease the worry I'm feeling right now hehe:
1. B island is very touristy and very expensive in PHP standards. This was not part of my budget.
2. Ugh, I have this bad habit of checking flights when I already booked my own. And one of my greatest fear materialized. There, on is a cheaper flight with decent times for $40 less than what I paid for. Of course, in my mind, it was in PHP terms so add a few more 000!
3. Will be going with my little sister. I don't know why I feel obligated to pay for her. She's a sweet girl of course, no complain. But clubbing with her last week made me realize that little sisters and me clubbing just don't go together. Why? Because I feel like I have to watch out for her. Ah, I feel like a mom. But the truth is, she is probably more mature and far responsible than when I was her age. The other truth is, I would very much like to be free of responsibility. Wanting to be stupid? Sure, I haven't done anything stupid because I am too busy to do so hehe. But anyways, I'm sure having her there is not such a bad thing. If anything, she will keep me grounded as always. Sigh, I still want to be stupid. Hehe, maybe on the next island, but definately will do in this lifetime.
4. Discipline. Again this comes down to discipline and focus. Now, I have some explaining to do to my family why I would be leaving right the next day that I land in Manila..sighh..
5. My friend M bought up a really good point today. It really is not about where you go, but who you are with. I would definately have fun with the people I'm with, they're on the party people side, but now that I really think about it. I do feel bad for not settling down in Manila first.

Ah we'll see how things go. I just want to let go of worries.

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